Nov 072007

Problem:  When you try to uncompress or compress a large file (e.g., 8Mb or more) using WebShell3 in the H-Sphere Control Panel, the file is not completely uncompressed and WebShell3 seems to hang.  IXWebHosting is one hosting service that uses H-Sphere.

Solution:  The uncompress or compress function takes a while.  Apparently the Internet browser (e.g., Microsoft Internet Explorer) times out waiting and closes the connection.  WebShell3 probably interprets the loss of connection and aborts the operation.  A work-around is to increase the keep-alive timeout value in IE, which defaults to 1 minute.

See Microsoft knowledgebase article 813827 (  You must use RegEdit to add two values to the regristry:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Software -> Microsoft -> Windows -> CurrentVersion -> InternetSettings

KeepAliveTimeout DWORD value 180000 (in milliseconds)
ServerInfoTimeout DWORD value 180000 (in milliseconds)

The above values represent 3 minutes.  If you’re working with even larger files, you may want a longer timeout.

I found that 3 minutes works, but WebShell3 may still not respond to display a successful completion.  However it appears files are indeed completely uncompressed or compressed.  You merely have to refresh WebShell3’s directory view to see them.

 Posted by at 8:15 pm

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